There is no denying that mankind did a tremendous job dealing with some prejudices and erasing the boundaries between sexes.
Why is then majority of girls still afraid of weight training and a little bit of masculinity? Some of them will tell you they are afraid of becoming too muscular and looking like drag queens.
That’s nonsense.
Having a well-toned body will look better when you’re out on the beach or on your first date. Plus it’s just looks better!
So let’s look at why having a fit body with a bit of muscle is good for you!
It Helps You to Burn More Calories
Did you know that exercising can burn up to 500 calories per hour? Still, its calorie-burn related benefits are not present only at the gym.
If intense enough, exercising can boost your basal metabolic rate (BMR) for the entire day post-workout, even when you are relaxing on the couch. More intense the training is – more calories are burned afterwards. It’s also important to mention that more muscles your body packs higher resting metabolism is, because muscles burn more calories than fat.
It Helps you to Have Lean Body
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it’s hard to argue that men are attracted to lean and fit bodies these days.
Of course, not everything that’s trending always makes sense, but having a lean body that points out to a healthy and devoted lifestyle has a timeless quality and it’s a cause that should embraced.
Now, if you feel that you want to go few steps beyond the usual yoga look, don’t hesitate to find some supplements vitamins. They give a small boost to your body, and intensify your workouts.
Women like Gina Carano are the great proof that strength and sex appeal can accompany each other perfectly.
It Helps Your Body to Become Stronger
This one is really a no brainer but think of it this way – inncreased strength amounts to more independence, and more independence amounts to more respect.
All of that, furthermore, amounts to better self-confidence. But, you don’t have to look at increased strength as the improved functional daily performance and ability to tackle some more demanding chores. When we said that exercising makes you stronger, we meant the whole body including the bones, which is very important because women are much more vulnerable to osteoporosis, due to their hormonal cycles.
It Helps You to Become Healthier
Weight-lifting carries a lot of health benefits besides higher resistance to osteoporosis.
For example, strength training focused on your back is a very good way to reduce the chance of lower back injury or reduce lower back pain if it’s already present. I
t helps your body to increase the good cholesterol (HDL type) and lower your resting hearth rate (RHR), which means that your heart won’t have work as hard on daily basis. Furthermore, weight-lifting strengthens joints, ligaments, and tendons, improves balance and coordination, decreases the risk of adult onset diabetes and helps the body to release endorphin, which actually makes you happier and reduceses stress.
It Helps you During the Pregnancy
If you think weight training can be harmful during the pregnancy, you can’t be more wrong.
It is one of the best ways to minimize pains and aches during this very particular period when your body is going through huge, tectonic changes.
For example, doing lat pull-downs or seated cable row machine can help you to strengthen the muscles between your shoulder blades and counteract the slump. Using the leg extension and seated leg-curl will help your legs to become stronger and better accommodated to your weight and core exercises will keep abs strong and prevent back pain.
So, feel free to ease your pregnancy in the gym, but be sure to stay away from machines with a pad that presses your belly and avoid overhead lifting motion.
All you have to do now to take all the things we mentioned above into strong consideration and see whether the weight training is for you.
Nobody asks from you to push your body too hard and turn yourself into the professional bodybuilder, but hey, you can do even that if bodybuilding is what you desire.
We are talking about something that demands only a little bit of time and effort, and in turn it helps you to become fit, healthy and sexy. Who can say no to that?